How about an Improv Pickle

Finished Blocks should be 12.5 by 12.5

Sliced Pickles, Pickle Wedges, Pickled Geese, and Diced Pickles - play with different arrangements of the blocks so that you can create a contemporary look! Have some fun seeing the connected arcs of your quilt grow and flow together.
Want a pattern to work from - got you covered: Pickle Pattern and another Pickle Pattern Deux

Need some ideas on how to make your blocks - check out Guild Member Naomi Bombardi-Wilson’s Pinterest board


Curves and foundation video tutorial - Pickle dish quilt block by Teresa Down Under

Chic Kisses Pattern Tutorial - by Sew Kind of Wonderful

2023 Scrappy Sampler- Block 20- How to Sew a Pickle Dish Quilt Block - by Jessica Dayon

Jessica Dayon Pickle PDF

Colors Used: Kona Cotton

Foxglove (956)

Purple (1301)

Lapis (357)

Bluegrass (1031)

Acid Lime (860)


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March Portrait Challenge