Do you HST?

The Challenge:

Make One 12.5” by 12.5” block. One half is white/off white, the other is your choice. Block should be comprised of 16 small squares.


Yes, the white/off white can have a print or a subtle hue; you can use one color for a block or multi colors; the colored fabric can have a print or be plain. The sky’s the limit!


May Guild Meeting - bring it in person or mail it to:


P.O. Box 177

Westport, CT 06880

We will accept donations afterwards too!


25 blocks or more - enough to create at least 1 charity quilt

Do I have to be a Member of the Guild?

No, anyone can send in a block, we welcome donations … so let’s pass the challenge on!

Free PDF from SCTMQG:

Do you HST? This PDF explains how to create HST’S and provides inspiration for your blocks

Want even more?

Open the PDF and Follow along with the pictures below

Starting sizes:

If doing 2 HST’s at a time, start with two 4.25" squares

If doing 4 HST’s at a time, start with two 6" squares

If doing 8 HST’s at a time, start with two 8.25" squares

All information is in the PDF Do you HST?

How to Make 8 at a time:

4 at a time:

2 at a time:




How about an Improv Pickle